Food Safety News - May 2,=?UTF-8?B?IDIwMTcgVVNEQSBhZHZpc2VzIGZsb29kIHZpY3RpbXMg4oCUIHdoZW4gaW4gZG8=?==?UTF-8?B?dWJ0?=, throw it out

Food Safety News

USDA advises flood victims — when in doubt, throw it out

By U.S. Department of Agriculture

Editor’s note: The USDA posted this information May 1 in response to extensive flooding across the country. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is issuing food safety recommendations for parts of the Midwest as severe storms have caused widespread flooding from central Oklahoma to southern Indiana and parts of Missouri.... Continue Reading

25 of Stewart Parnell's 28-year prison sentence may not stand

By Dan Flynn

When your clients are all sitting in federal prisons around the country, and you are down to your last written arguments in the appellate courts, it is not time to hold back. That's roughly where the nation's most important food safety case finds itself on the day after attorneys for the three Peanut Corporation of... Continue Reading

What are the odds? 840 times more likely for raw milk drinkers

By Coral Beach

Based on statistics from the five-year period 2009-2014, people who drink unpasteurized, raw milk are 840 times more likely to contract a foodborne illness than those who drink pasteurized milk. The statistics, included in a research report scheduled for publication in the upcoming June issue of "Emerging Infectious Diseases" also show raw milk drinkers are... Continue Reading

First of PCA convicted executives begins prison release process

By Dan Flynn

Samuel Lightsey, 52, the former manager of the now defunct Peanut Corporation of America processing plant in Blakely, GA, has moved into a Residential Re-entry Management facility in Atlanta a step toward his release from federal prison scheduled for Oct. 1. Lightsey received the lightest prison sentence among the five eanut Corporation of America (PCA) executives and managers... Continue Reading

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