| We're excited to announce that new Message Boards are coming! Launching later this summer, the new and improved boards will make it easier than ever to connect with other WebMD readers. A few of the new features: | • | Design that's easy to use and works on your smartphone | • | Better ways to search for topics and conversations | • | Tags you can add to your favorite posts | • | Email alerts so you can stay on top of what's trending | • | More tools to help you connect with others | | What Do You Need to Do? The new boards will be starting with a clean slate.
Want to keep a conversation going? Maybe one of those discussion-starters that got everyone talking, or posts that you found especially valuable? Consider re-posting your comment or question on one of the new boards.
Launch day is around the corner! We'll be back in touch soon to give you all the information you need.
Yours in health, WebMD Message Boards Staff | | |