| Week of 07/21/2016 - Featured Blog Post
Starting Over is Not a Bummer!
Today is day 2 of my streak! Having a streak going is one of my favorite ways to motivate myself to stay on track. I love seeing all those "on track" days in a row add up! I had a pretty decent streak going...almost three weeks! But then I had an off track day, so I had to start my streak over. Yesterday, when I posted in my status that I was back to day 1, one of my SparkFriends said it was a "bummer" that I had to start over. Guess what? Starting over is NOT a bummer! Starting over is something to be proud of, and I sure am. I had 20 days in a row of eating right and exercising. One "off" day can't undo all that hard work I put in. Starting over doesn't mean you're a failure. It means you are one strong, tough as nails, determined warrior! Always be proud of yourself for having the strength to pick yourself up and start fresh. The only bummer would be if you just gave up. I have over 100 pounds to lose, and along the way I'm sure there will be many times when I will have to start my streak over. I will take detours from time to time, but as long as I get back on the right path, I know I WILL eventually reach my goal. So cheers to Day One!
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