Science Confirms the Drink that Takes You From Overweight to Slim

Reprinted with permission from Woman's World.

Drink the right tea at the right time, and you can rev metabolism, target your tummy, blast hunger—and get a whole lot slimmer in just one week.

Surprise Tea Benefits

Kelly Choi didn’t set out to help you trans­form your body with tea. But now that’s exactly what she wants to do. "I stumbled on a strat­egy that I believe can help mil­lions of women—and I want to tell every­one about it!" reveals The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse author. Her regimen—which combines light meals and teas scientif­ically proven to fight fat—came about as she searched for a way to help her mom, Jini, whose raging Type 2 diabetes had led to a scary fall and life-threatening complications. "Doctors recom­mended she lose weight, but they didn't have much advice beyond that. So my mom and I started brain­storming in her hospital room," recalls Kelly. Jini, a nurse in Korea before immi­grating to the U.S., mentioned that tea was once prescribed to control diabetes. It was a light-bulb moment for her daughter. "I knew tea has healing and slimming proper­ties. I figured why not gather more infor­mation and come up with a specific plan?" She did just that. And Jini lost nine pounds and got her blood sugar back under control in just her first week. "That's not easy for an older woman who's had diabetes most of her adult life!" Jini says proudly.

Since Kelly’s own belly had flat­tened as she tested the teas, she shared the plan with co-workers—who just happen to be the folks behind the best­selling Eat This, Not That! series—and, suddenly, her office mates were shrinking by up to 10 pounds in seven days. They put out a call for other folks to test the cleanse. Women were soon drop­ping up to a size a week. And a hot new tea diet was born!

Tea blasts belly fat!
It Works!

Samantha lost 106 lbs!
Reader Sam Rees is proof a tea cleanse works wonders. She was living in England and already drinking tea most days when a pal told her about the fat-fighting power of the drinks in Choi's regimen. Sam upped her intake to nine cups a day, made green-tea her go-to, and stopped adding sugar. "I was skeptical that it would boost my metabolism—but within a month I noticed a massive difference," says Sam, 30. The more she lost, the more she felt inspired to eat healthier and exercise. "I lost 106 pounds—and it all started with a few cups of tea!"
Sam’s best tip: Let your palate adjust! "I used to be addicted to tea with sugar, and it took several cups before I started to like it plain. But it was worth it! It saves so many calories!"


Drink the right tea at the right time, and you can rev metabolism, target your tummy, blast hunger—and get a whole lot slimmer in just one week.

Get-skinny teas!

The gist of Kelly’s tea cleanse is this: You sip tea at regular inter­vals all day long, timing your drinks in a way that she’s found reduces hunger—so much so, you’ll only need two light meals to feel satis­fied. See full guide­lines, below. You have lots of power­ful tea options to choose from, but these are the ones she recommends to get started:

Green tea: #1 for weight loss!

Tea Fact

This min­imally processed variety of tea is richest in compounds that "reduce the body’s ability to extract calories from both carb-rich and fat-rich foods," notes Penn State's Joshua Lambert, Ph.D. So it lets you eat some calories that don't count! The same magic compounds also amp up meta­bolism. Want more bene­fits? Green tea's anti­oxidants "help blunt the rise of blood sugar and lower levels of the hormone insulin"—a trick that fights diabetes, slashes carb crav­ings and allows belly fat to burn more readily, says Lambert. One more: "Green tea is partic­ularly high in compounds called ECGCs, which accord­ing to a study in the journal Advanced Nutrition, can "turn off genes that trigger diabetes and obesity," says Kelly. No wonder university studies show that drink­ing more green tea can help a dieter shrink her waist by up to 25 times faster!

Yerba mate: The hunger fighter!

Kelly says yerba mate, made from the leaves of a South American holly plant, is like a mix of tea, coffee and chocolate. Yum! Better yet, Danish scien­tists found yerba mate slows the release of stomach contents by a full 20 minutes—so you stay full longer. Yerba mate also stim­ulates the brain’s hunger-control center, "which decreases the appetite," says natural health expert Lynn Anderson, N.D., Ph.D. Promises Kelly: "The more you drink, the less you'll think about food. It's pretty incredible!"

Pu-erh: The fat blaster!

"Earthy-tasting pu-erh is a fermented tea," says Kelly. And the fermen­tation process helps create unique and potent compounds in the leaves. Recently, Chinese research­ers dis­covered a natural chemical not found in other teas—and it triggers faster fat metabolism! Pu-erh is also loaded with anti­oxidants found to rev fat meta­bolism by up to 35%! Still, Japanese scientists were surprised to discover that pu-erh not only helps dieters lose more weight, it helps them resist re­gaining weight after they stop dieting!

Skinny tea party!

Aimee McDonald won an assort­ment of cleanse teas in a give­away, and started follow­ing Kelly’s flat-belly regimen right away. She never quite got around to adding the diet component, though. "That first week, I actually ate like a teen­ager—fried chicken, pizza, casseroles. And I still lost four pounds!" says the Texas mom, 35. "Now I'm a tea convert!" Aimee kept on sipping—and has lost 14 pounds since. Meanwhile, Pennsylvania mom Tracy Durst, 46, did follow the cleanse's eating guidelines. "I’ve lost 65 pounds in five months!" she says. "And I'm alive with energy!" How much will you lose? Stock up on tea and get ready to find out!

Melt off belly fat with this plan
Smoothie recipes reprinted with permission from Eat This, Not That! Photos: Shutterstock (2); Harry Choi/Corbis; Agefotostock; Shutterstock; Westend61/Getty Images; Dotan Naveh/iStockphoto; Koki Iino/Getty Images; courtesy of vendor; courtesy of subject; Stewart Williams / The Sun / News Syndication.
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Also Available From Eat This, Not That!:
Eat This, Not That! No Diet Diet Eat This, Not That! Magazine 17-Day Green Tea Diet
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