Food Safety News - July 23, 2018 Analysis shows source of E. coli outbreak was leafy greens

Food Safety News

Analysis shows source of E. coli outbreak was leafy greens

By Joe Whitworth

Increased use of ingredient-based analyses is being promoted by researchers after the method was used to identify the source of infection in an E. coli outbreak.  Public Health England was alerted to an outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) O157 phage type (PT) 34 in July 2016 involving 56 cases in England and Wales. The... Continue Reading

Is camel milk the new super food or food safety roulette?

By Cookson Beecher

Behold the camel — giver of  milk long known for its abundant supply of vitamins, proteins and minerals — and in some cases for sustaining life itself. Yes, camel milk. People in Africa, the Middle East and Asia have depended on camels for milk for centuries. And now, in the United States, as the milk... Continue Reading

Two of three new poultry processors in Chinese provinces never audited

By Dan Flynn

Just a year ago, the first poultry products processed in China from raw chicken raised and slaughtered in Chile entered the United States — a mere 110 pounds of cooked breaded chicken. But a congressional food safety expert says two of three new Chinese poultry processing plants eligible since late 2017 to export products to... Continue Reading

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