15 Fitness Dos and Don’ts

What to do -- and what to avoid -- while working out.
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Wednesday, March 11, 2015
15 Fitness Dos and Don'ts
15 Fitness Dos and Don'ts

Is "no pain, no gain," true? How many reps are best? Is a.m. better than p.m.? What to do, and what to avoid, while working out.
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Bye-Bye Diets?
Bye-Bye Diets?

Our new series looks at the next generation of devices that could transform the way we lose weight.
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Stop Binges Before They Start    
The urge to overeat can be powerful, but it's possible to curb the craving.
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25 Diet-Friendly Super Snacks
Mini quesadillas, banana pops, and more satisfying treats with 100 calories or less.
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Fit at 40, Sharper at 60?
People who are fit in midlife seem to have greater brain function decades later.
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Top Tips for Counting Carbs
Meal balance is key. How to keep track of what you're eating and avoid a "carb crash."
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