MNT daily newsletter - February 19, 2019

Medical News Today

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Welcome to today's MNT newsletter, containing the most recent headlines from your chosen news categories.

Biology / Biochemistry
New stem cells could be 'universally transplanted'
Researchers have designed a type of stem cell that should be able to withhold transplantation into any recipient without facing rejection.
Self-destruction system in TB bacteria may lead to 'perfect drug'
Scientists zoom in on the 'toxin-antitoxin' system that the tuberculosis bacterium naturally contains, in the hope that it can help design better drugs.

Body Aches
What causes cramps after sex?
Cramps after sex can occur for several reasons, from a simple muscle strain to more serious underlying conditions. Learn about the causes and when to see a doctor in this article.

Cardiovascular / Cardiology
Ability to do pushups may predict cardiovascular risk
Recent research has found a strong link between a man's ability to complete numerous pushups and his risk of developing cardiovascular problems.

Depression: Gene-activating drug reverses symptoms in mice
Researchers have reversed symptoms of depression, such as anhedonia and behavioral despair, in male mice with a drug that activates a gene they call SIRT1.

Flu / Cold / SARS
Flu breakthrough: Universal vaccine may be in sight
In a discovery that the researchers have deemed to be "paradigm-shifting," "killer" immune cells may offer protection against all types of flu virus.

Self-destruction system in TB bacteria may lead to 'perfect drug'
Scientists zoom in on the 'toxin-antitoxin' system that the tuberculosis bacterium naturally contains, in the hope that it can help design better drugs.
Depression: Gene-activating drug reverses symptoms in mice
Researchers have reversed symptoms of depression, such as anhedonia and behavioral despair, in male mice with a drug that activates a gene they call SIRT1.

Heart Disease
Ability to do pushups may predict cardiovascular risk
Recent research has found a strong link between a man's ability to complete numerous pushups and his risk of developing cardiovascular problems.

Immune System / Vaccines
Flu breakthrough: Universal vaccine may be in sight
In a discovery that the researchers have deemed to be "paradigm-shifting," "killer" immune cells may offer protection against all types of flu virus.
New stem cells could be 'universally transplanted'
Researchers have designed a type of stem cell that should be able to withhold transplantation into any recipient without facing rejection.

Infectious Diseases / Bacteria / Viruses
Flu breakthrough: Universal vaccine may be in sight
In a discovery that the researchers have deemed to be "paradigm-shifting," "killer" immune cells may offer protection against all types of flu virus.

Men's Health
What causes cramps after sex?
Cramps after sex can occur for several reasons, from a simple muscle strain to more serious underlying conditions. Learn about the causes and when to see a doctor in this article.
Ability to do pushups may predict cardiovascular risk
Recent research has found a strong link between a man's ability to complete numerous pushups and his risk of developing cardiovascular problems.

Mental Health
Depression: Gene-activating drug reverses symptoms in mice
Researchers have reversed symptoms of depression, such as anhedonia and behavioral despair, in male mice with a drug that activates a gene they call SIRT1.

Neurology / Neuroscience
Depression: Gene-activating drug reverses symptoms in mice
Researchers have reversed symptoms of depression, such as anhedonia and behavioral despair, in male mice with a drug that activates a gene they call SIRT1.

Rehabilitation / Physical Therapy
How to stretch your hands and wrists
Keeping the hands and wrists strong and mobile can help reduce the chances of injury. These stretches can help anyone who regularly works with their hands reduce stiffness and avoid complications.

Sexual Health / STDs
What causes cramps after sex?
Cramps after sex can occur for several reasons, from a simple muscle strain to more serious underlying conditions. Learn about the causes and when to see a doctor in this article.

Sports Medicine / Fitness
How to stretch your hands and wrists
Keeping the hands and wrists strong and mobile can help reduce the chances of injury. These stretches can help anyone who regularly works with their hands reduce stiffness and avoid complications.
Ability to do pushups may predict cardiovascular risk
Recent research has found a strong link between a man's ability to complete numerous pushups and his risk of developing cardiovascular problems.

Stem Cell Research
New stem cells could be 'universally transplanted'
Researchers have designed a type of stem cell that should be able to withhold transplantation into any recipient without facing rejection.

Transplants / Organ Donations
New stem cells could be 'universally transplanted'
Researchers have designed a type of stem cell that should be able to withhold transplantation into any recipient without facing rejection.

Self-destruction system in TB bacteria may lead to 'perfect drug'
Scientists zoom in on the 'toxin-antitoxin' system that the tuberculosis bacterium naturally contains, in the hope that it can help design better drugs.

Women's Health / Gynecology
What causes cramps after sex?
Cramps after sex can occur for several reasons, from a simple muscle strain to more serious underlying conditions. Learn about the causes and when to see a doctor in this article.

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