Food Safety News - September 15, 2017 FSA warns consumers about those trendy raw chicken dishes

Food Safety News

FSA warns consumers about those trendy raw chicken dishes

By News Desk

The London-based Food Standards Agency is worried people may believe what they read in the newspaper. A report that ran last weekend in the lifestyle section of The Daily Mirror about a celebrity chef who claims to love eating raw chicken has the FSA “reiterating our advice not to eat raw chicken.” In a splashy... Continue Reading

Lab-made meat, poultry get big funding boost from big food

By Cookson Beecher

It’s the future of meat and poultry — or at least part of the future. That's what some investors, among them global agricultural heavyweight Cargill Inc., are saying about meat grown in labs from cells taken from animals without slaughtering them. On Aug. 22, Memphis Meats Inc. in the Bay Area of California, which so far has produced beef, chicken... Continue Reading

'Desktop dining' moves food safety issues into the workplace

By Jim Mann

LAS VEGAS — This week’s conference of ISSA, also known as the Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association, attracted more than 16,000 people and more than 700 exhibitors from  25 countries to the Las Vegas Convention Center. The show theme was best expressed in the single watchword: Uncover. This challenge to change flowed through an extensive array of 60-plus training... Continue Reading

Papaya Salmonella outbreak hits Hispanic population hard

By News Desk

The popularity of fresh papaya in some ethnic cuisine is resulting in a disproportionate number of Hispanics being infected in four ongoing Salmonella outbreaks. With 235 laboratory confirmed infections as of this week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports the number of Hispanic victims in the individual outbreaks ranges from 50 percent to... Continue Reading

CDC expands on Texas warning about Brucella in raw milk

By Coral Beach

A month after Texas public health officials urged raw milk drinkers and their doctors to be on the lookout for symptoms of Brucella infection, the federal government weighed in with its own advice. Anyone who drank unpasteurized, "raw" milk from the K-Bar Dairy in Paradise, TX, from June 1 through Aug. 7 is "at an... Continue Reading

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