MNT daily newsletter - January 20, 2019

Medical News Today

Dear S.C.T.C,

Welcome to today's MNT newsletter, containing the most recent headlines from your chosen news categories.

Anxiety / Stress
Through my eyes: Aphasia
Having experienced a serious brain injury at just 26 years old, I developed aphasia. This is the story of my recovery, and how I relearned everything.

Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness
Central obesity linked to brain shrinkage
A recent study has linked central obesity to shrinkage in certain parts of the brain. The question now is whether obesity causes brain shrinkage.

Mental Health
Through my eyes: Aphasia
Having experienced a serious brain injury at just 26 years old, I developed aphasia. This is the story of my recovery, and how I relearned everything.

Neurology / Neuroscience
Central obesity linked to brain shrinkage
A recent study has linked central obesity to shrinkage in certain parts of the brain. The question now is whether obesity causes brain shrinkage.
Through my eyes: Aphasia
Having experienced a serious brain injury at just 26 years old, I developed aphasia. This is the story of my recovery, and how I relearned everything.

Psychology / Psychiatry
Through my eyes: Aphasia
Having experienced a serious brain injury at just 26 years old, I developed aphasia. This is the story of my recovery, and how I relearned everything.

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