A word from our team plus our fave reader responses from the past year.
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| |  | Hello, Wellness Wire fam. Yesterday was a very special day –– the 1-year anniversary of our renovated newsletter! And what a wonderful year it's been. | Over the last 365 days, Ginger, Tim, and I slid into your inboxes three times per week for a total of 156 emails and hundreds of health and wellness stories! | It means so much to be able to connect with you and guide you along your health journey each week. We've let you into our own worlds –– from Ginger's surfing passion to Tim's fitness routine to my mental health diagnoses — and in return, you've let us into yours. | We've asked many questions over the last year, and you've sent us thousands of incredible responses. Some made us smile, others made us tear up, and many of them warmed our hearts. | You've sent us love. | Until this morning's Wellness Wire, I had never heard of tree burial. Learning this has given me a much more positive view of the slow, but persistent, encroachment of my eventual death (I'm 74) … Thanks for this news. — Christine C. | As a retired BSN public health practitioner I am always wanting to follow the most recent research on a variety of current health subjects. I have always been an avid reader of recent health research. However, I have been very disappointed recently in what the medical journals are publishing. I think it's evident that they are politically supported and not always publicizing all the information to give their readers all the facts! So thanks again for all your editing which appears to be the full truth about health issues! Keep up the great work! — Jan C. | I read this to my partner who is struggling at the moment. He is 74 & has always had pain ( bad back & hip replacement) but he's always been able to cope & stay strong. However now he seems to be giving up as the pain is worse, he had also become a spud. I think he actually listened with interest so here's hoping. — Diane J. | My biggest fear of aging used to be what I'd look like with gray hair lol reading articles like this helps my attitude towards aging, to be more positive and grateful for each living breath. Love this encouragement. Thank you. — Brenda B. | You've shared photos of your pets. |  | You've told us about your dreams. | I worked for a fighter pilot training project when I was younger. One morning I had a dream that I saw an F-4 fighter plane erupt in flames. The hatch opened and one person ejected. This dream was just before I woke up. I went to work that day feeling nervous and jittery. Just couldn't shake the feeling. Then my boss came in looking very shell shocked. He told me that a pilot we both knew had died in his F-4 when the engine burst into flames. He had ejected the back seater but the plane exploded before he could get out. Needless to say I was quite shaken by this. — Carol L. | You've given us your secrets for aging well. | I will be 85 next month (good Lord willing) everything you said is true. My friends and people I meet can't believe my age because first, I don't act it and have a positive attitude. I laugh a lot. As you know this is an excellent remedy and people are drawn to you. Looking forward to your next letter. — Ann K. | You even wrote us a poem! | You really seem to care It shows in how you share Giving words needed to be read You help each Suzie-Q and Fred Because of giving and asking for a reply You show you're talking to folks - not the sky! Thank you for doing this - helping ones in need You plant caring with your message, a seed This caused me to feel good in my heart You showed you know you are a part - Of our "us" - a piece of who we all are Drawn closer rather than being so far. Thank you. — Martha N. | We've truly built a community together. | It's been such a fun ride so far … and there's no stopping anytime soon! We've got so many goodies in store for you ahead. We hope you'll stick around to see what's coming. | On behalf of all of us on the Healthline newsletter team, we thank you for being here and wish you well on the path to your happiest, healthiest life. | Be well, Morgan Mandriota Newsletter Editor, Healthline | | | | |
|  | | Written by Morgan Mandriota August 25, 2023 • 5 min read | | | | | | |
| | Thank you for reading as always! We hope you enjoyed this special edition of Wellness Wire. Before we dive headfirst into the weekend, we want to turn it back over to you.
Tell us: What do you want to see from us over the next year? What have you liked most? What could you do without? Send your thoughts to wellnesswire@healthline.com.
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