Want to Run a 5K? Try This Beginner's Guide!

Start Losing Weight Now
Ready to shed the weight and feel fabulous in your own skin? The Mayo Clinic Diet is designed to help you lose up to 6 to 10 pounds in just two weeks. Sign up now!
"Find what motivates you. Post your reasons for making a change where you'll see them most often. If your reasons change as time goes on, make changes to your list." — Philip T. Hagen, M.D.
Move More
Want to run a 5K? Try this training guide!
Looking for a new fitness challenge? With spring right around the corner, it's the perfect time to sign up for a 5K race! Running 3.1 miles may seem daunting if you're a rookie, but it doesn't need to be. This beginner's training guide takes you step by step to help build mileage and endurance the smart way. Follow this schedule and you'll be ready for race day in just two months. Start slowly and get motivated to move!
Check out this 5K plan »
Healthy Eating
Ethnic food: 6 healthy options
You can enjoy your favorite foods and try new flavors on the Mayo Clinic Diet — you just need to be smart about your choices. These suggestions will help you savor a range of cuisines while keeping calories, fat, cholesterol and sodium under control. Consider these pointers the next time you get takeout or go out to eat at a restaurant.

Try these healthy ethnic meals »
Today's Cooking Tip
Easy recipe: Peach honey spread
Want a new way to enjoy more fruit? Try this peach honey spread. Slice up one fresh peach and put the pieces in a bowl with 2 tablespoons of honey and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Mash with a fork until the mixture is the consistency of chunky applesauce. Serve as a topping for whole-grain pancakes or French toast, or over roasted chicken or pork.


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