Scary Skin Problems: Rashes, Bumps, and More

Many serious health conditions -- everything from diabetes to cancer -- first appear as skin problems. Do you know what to look for?

webmd logo Special: The Skin You're In
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Woman applying lotion

Scary Skin Problems: Rashes, Bumps, and More
Tripe palms, "wooden" hands -- see what these and other skin issues look like. Plus, learn what they might say about your health.
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Your Skin, Beyond the Surface
All About Psoriasis    
This common condition causes red, scaly skin. Learn more.
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What's Going On With Your Skin?
Itchy rashes, breakouts, flaky patches, redness -- see 18 common problems.
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Ways You Get Blisters
Tips to prevent them, how to help them heal, and when to see a doctor.
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How Healthy Are Your Nails?
Are brittle, pitted, or discolored nails cause for alarm? Get the facts.
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Get the Lowdown On ...

Adult Acne
Cold Sores
Skin Tags
Lumps and Bumps

Symptom Checker

True or False?

Men Don't Need to Use Moisturizer
A Low-Fat Diet Can Melt Away Cellulite
You Need Sunscreen Even on Cloudy Days
Certain Foods Can Trigger Psoriasis

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