Auto Accident Injury Sufferers Find Pain Relief With Laguna Hills, CA Chiropractor

By Katy Parfait

After a car crash, people tend to experience a considerable amount of pain. This remains true even when the do not sustain life-threatening injuries. Consulting with the professionals at a Laguna Hills chiropractic clinic is one way to find an effective and natural source of relief.

Jarring impacts frequently cause spinal alignment problems known as subluxations. When the spine is subluxated, the vertebrae are no longer positioned correctly. These injuries can disrupt messages between the nerves and the brain. They also lead to tension in the muscles nearby the spine as these muscles are going to have to start working a lot harder.

Events like these can even cause issues with joint functionality. This is especially true in the neck, shoulders and upper back. There are a number of special therapies that can be employed to alleviate the pain caused by subluxations and accident-related whiplash.

One reason why this care is so beneficial is the fact that it can resolve physical injuries rather than simply muting the discomfort that these injuries cause. Using prescription drugs to alleviate pain only works in a very temporary fashion. It is also important to note that people can experience side effects when using these products. Chiropractors, however, target injuries right where they start so that people can both feel better and function better.

Therapy is individualized for meeting the unique needs that people have. They are given integrated plans of care that their providers structure after having assessed their injuries. These plans can incorporate the use of inversion therapies that relieve pressure on the spine, pain relieving massage, ultrasound therapy for alleviating inflammation and swelling and manual adjustment strategies for improved mobility and alignment.

Resolving spinal health issues like subluxations can expedite the healing process. Proper spinal alignment promotes enhanced immune functioning. This will also alleviate much of the joint dysfunction and nerve and muscle pain that people commonly experience as the result of car accidents.

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