Take Your Fitness to the Next Level!

Lose Weight This Fall
Want to start a new season feeling better than ever? Get the support you need from the new Mayo Clinic Diet online, which is designed to help you lose up to 6 to 10 pounds in just two weeks. Sign up now and get 7 days FREE!
"Many people have trouble meeting their goals when they try to change too much too fast. Focus on one behavior change at a time." — Matthew M. Clark, Ph.D., L.P.
Get Fit
Take your physical fitness to the next level
When you're an exercise newbie, the fitness gains come fast. But once you've broken in your running shoes or become a regular at the gym, you have to work harder to challenge your stronger, more efficient body. You can accomplish this by changing how hard, long or often you work out. The trick is to avoid doing so much that you end up hurt or burned out. Make a smart and safe transition with these tips.
Turn it up a notch with this advice »
Eat Well
Try these hearty whole grains
Chances are you eat lots of grains already. But are they the healthiest kind? If you're like most people, you're not getting enough whole grains in your diet. Aim to choose whole grains for at least half of all the grains you eat. Read on to learn about the different types and why you should skip refined and enriched grains.

Discover the nutrition benefits of whole grains »
Today's Nutrition Tip
Shop smart: Read nutrition labels
Read nutrition labels for serving size, calories, fat, cholesterol, sugar and sodium. If you're unsure of the best choice, compare similar products and choose the healthiest options.


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