| Week of 04/07/2016 - Featured Blog Post
If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes
Wow, saw this post on SparkPeople's Facebook page yesterday and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I have to change before my body can! Sooooo - in answer to my last blog - no, the severe restricting of calories did not work for long. You and I both knew it wouldn't, didn't we? My therapist and I had a long talk and she told me to grab hold of a saying that was close to my heart and hang on. That evening I found a "pretty" in the store - a rock shaped like a foot that says "Believe." I bought that rock and have hardly let go of it. Then the quote about changes smacked me in the head. So what am I going to do? I am back to exercising and will be eating a medium-carb diet. Years ago was my truly first time losing weight and I did that by walking a lot. Now I can't walk one step without using two canes and then only to get in the truck. I use a wheelchair for everything outside of the house. So I have a new goal. I want to be able to walk again, even if I still need the canes, by my wedding anniversary on June 8th, 2016. I AM GOING TO DO THIS! By the way, Happy Spark Anniversary to me on March 15th. I've been with SparkPeople for 10 YEARS!!
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I started spark in 2007. I lost SEVENTY pounds in 8+ months. That was an incredible experience whic... | | | ...Go To FEELINGSTRONGER Page | | | | | | | SparkPeople's mission is to Spark millions of People around the world to get healthy and reach new goals every day. Join the movement by clicking the link below to earn your SparkPoints, or connecting with SparkPeople in one of these other ways:
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