7 Easy (and Tasty!) Meatless Meals

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Have you lost 20 or more pounds on the Mayo Clinic Diet? We'd like to hear your story and maybe even share it on the website or in our next book! Please contact us at questions@diet.mayoclinic.org.
"There's a lot of great-tasting food that also happens to be healthy. Be open to new tastes and foods — it can be a great experience."— Donald D. Hensrud, M.D., M.P.H.
Meals Made Easy
7 meatless meal ideas
You don't need chicken, fish or beef at every meal to meet your nutritional needs. Meatless meals that are built around vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds and grains offer many nutrients — including protein. Eggs and low-fat dairy items also are good protein sources. Eating a variety of these foods throughout the day can give you all the essential amino acids — the building blocks of protein — that your body needs. Meatless recipes can offer a world of enjoyable possibilities — see for yourself with these ideas.
Try these easy meal suggestions »
Healthy Living
Break these 5 unhealthy habits
Changing habits, especially ones you've had for many years, isn't easy. But breaking these five unhealthy habits can make a difference in your weight, which is why we encourage you to eliminate them in the Lose It! phase. If you hit a weight-loss plateau or need a little guidance, revisit these habits to see which ones need your attention.

Work on changing these habits »
Today's Mind-Body Tip
Mental shifts can curb cravings
Do you find yourself heading to the vending machine every afternoon? Or wanting something sweet between meals? Try replacing the image of the food you're craving with a healthier, satisfying option. Or picture yourself feeling good about your body or doing a favorite activity.


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