Have Your Healthiest Summer Yet! | Why wait until summer is over to feel great and make healthy changes? The Mayo Clinic Diet online can help you reach your weight-loss goals, while enjoying life at the same time. Doesn't that sound nice? Sign up now! | | "The sandwich can be the foundation of the perfect meal. Its combination of food groups can meet the three fundamentals of healthy eating: balance (inclusion of basic foods), moderation (a sensible amount) and variety (eating different things from each food group)."— Jennifer K. Nelson, R.D., L.D. | | | | Meals Made Easy | Healthy food can be convenient, too | No time to cook? Here's an incentive to make it a priority: Research shows that eating takeout and prepared foods is a serious contributor to weight gain and other health problems in adults and children. Why? Convenience foods may be timesavers, but they often contain more fatty and sugary ingredients that you wouldn't typically use at home. Ditch the frozen dinners and try these simple meal ideas. | Try these easy meal-prepping tips » | | | Healthy Habits Get the family involved Want your family to support your weight-loss plan? Get them on board with your healthy habits by including them in food shopping or menu planning. Set a good example and get the support you need from your loved ones with these healthy lifestyle suggestions. You may be surprised by how excited they are to participate! Motivate your family with these ideas » | | Today's Fitness Tip Boost fitness with interval training Interval training simply means alternating bursts of intense activity with intervals of lighter activity. Start by alternating leisurely walking with periods of faster walking. Increasing your intensity for even a few minutes at a time can help you burn more calories. | | | ADVERTISEMENT | | Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit organization. Proceeds from website advertising help support our mission. Mayo Clinic does not endorse any non-Mayo products or services. | Advertising & Sponsorship: Policy | Opportunities | | | BECOME A MEMBER! | | | |
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