| Week of 08/04/2016 - Featured Blog Post
Breaking Through the Wall Brick By Brick
I realized that part of my three pound plateau problem is that I have made all of the easy changes. It is now time to tackle those tough big changes. I have to break down the brick wall. I am contemplating a couple of changes that I need to make, but am not sure where to begin. I know that I need to figure out how to take these large lifestyle changes and divide them into small pieces and then work on those small pieces one at a time. For example, I know I have to include strength training in my workout routine. I hate strength training and I hate that part of the gym. I am going to have to break this up into small attainable steps. I might try one new machine two days a week, or a workout on SparkPeople TV. The point is that I have to face these big walls and take them apart brick by brick. What are your brick walls? How will you break them up brick by brick?
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Cue the Moulin Rouge music. "This is a story about...weight." Hi, my name is Terri. I had lost ov... | | | ...Go To TERRI77 Page | | | | | | | SparkPeople's mission is to Spark millions of People around the world to get healthy and reach new goals every day. Join the movement by clicking the link below to earn your SparkPoints, or connecting with SparkPeople in one of these other ways:
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