3 Foods Jennifer Aniston Eats for Breakfast

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23 Popular Questions About Drinking— Answered!
Is top-shelf alcohol really better for you than the cheap stuff? Why do you have to pee more when you're drunk? These questions and more booze-fueled inquiries are answered by the experts!
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12 Realities of Yo-Yo Dieting You Need to Hear
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Here's the Skinny... Sip Tea
Get your complete kit of premium loose leaf teas specially formulated teas for The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse, or try the 3PM flat-belly blend now in sachets.
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40 Flat-Belly Tips You Must Know By 40
Too-tight jeans, cellulite, and an increased risk of weight-related diseases don't have to be your future, though. It's totally possible to maintain or even drop pounds as each birthday passes—so long as you're equipped with the facts.
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3 Foods Jennifer Aniston Always Eats for Breakfast
Superstar Jennifer Aniston reveals her top 3 favorite go-to breakfasts. And we're major fans of what she's got going on in her kitchen!
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Zero Belly Smoothie Recipe: Banana Split
This smoothie recipe seems sinful but will do heavenly wonders for your waistline.
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