| Week of 09/08/2016 - Featured Blog Post
I'm Truly a Sparkster
On June 26th of this year, I had my 2-year SparkPeople anniversary. I only realized that today. No, I didn't celebrate on June 26th because I didn't give it a second thought. But now I am giving it that second thought and a third and fourth thought. I should be celebrating and I guess in a way I am ......every day! Every day I celebrate the healthy life I have developed here at SparkPeople. I celebrate with thanks for finding this wonderful website that has helped me to change my lifestyle from sedentary, overweight and hopeless to active, fit and useful. I celebrate feeling awesome most of the time. So although it slipped my mind on June 26th, it has never slipped my mind how every day since I returned to SparkPeople, I have celebrated getting my life back and enjoying it to the fullest. What can you celebrate today?
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I started in January 2007 at 370 pounds the highest I ever weighed in my life. I had a huge IBS prob... | | | ...Go To KSIGMA1222 Page | | | | | | | SparkPeople's mission is to Spark millions of People around the world to get healthy and reach new goals every day. Join the movement by clicking the link below to earn your SparkPoints, or connecting with SparkPeople in one of these other ways:
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