Reasons As To Why Consumers Should Eat Sustainable Fish

By Sarah Cole

Fish is a delicacy enjoyed all over the world due to the rich source of nutrients such as proteins. The demand for sea food has been on the rise in a bid to cater for the ever growing human population. To meet the dietary need of the rising population, fishing methods that catch large quantities have been prioritized. This article is meant to inform people why they should only eat sustainable fish that are in plenty of supply and avoid endangered species.

Much of fish available from our markets or food stalls are mainly sourced from the ocean. Our oceans and seas have an abundance of fish resources. However, not all species of fish are doing well as some are on the brink of extinction. The changing climate and damaging fishing methods are the main contributors for this sorry situation. As a result, it is important for fishers to distinguish the endangered from the abundant.

The sustainable seafood movement first began in the late twentieth century where fisheries observed that certain species of fishes were dwindling in numbers. In a bid to counter this problem, some regulations governing the methods of fishing have been enacted to limit damaging fishing techniques. With these policies in place, ocean and freshwater ecosystems can replenish in time to evade extinction.

It is necessary that consumers understand the need to protect these reserves to avoid having to cross fishes off the menu in future. Fish harvesters are now receiving guidance on the appropriate ways of harvesting fishes. Practices such as trawling, gill netting and seining are highly discouraged. Failure to comply with the relevant law will result in a penalty and a revocation of the license.

An emerging trend in fishes harvesting is commercial fishes rearing. This is where species that are in high demand are kept in private ponds where they are regularly fed and sold upon reaching maturity. This practice contributes to a lot of achievements in the conservation exercise. Fishes farmers can now supplement the dietary needs of consumers without posing a threat to the natural ecosystem.

Marine conservation societies have also embarked on sensitizing the general populations on which types are sustainable and which ones to avoid. This is done by assigning a sustainability rating to the assist consumers choose which type of sea product to consume. For example, a score of one could mean the product is abundant at sea, and five means it is an endangered species that should be avoided. This move enables consumers to be aware and mindful of the need to preserve our ecosystems.

As a consumer, you can also take it upon yourself to ensure you shop for the right product. Only buy our products from licensed fishes vendors who understand the need for conservation of fishes reserves. Take the initiative to download a comprehensive fishes guide from any marine society. This is important because it enables you to make informed decisions.

Fishes vendors are advised not to stock vulnerable fishes species on their stalls. Selling undersized marine products that are yet to reach maturity and reproductive age is illegal. Vendors should properly label their products. Where wild fishes are on sale, the label should indicate whether the seafood is responsibly harvested.

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