Welcome S.C.T.C,. Here are Medical News Today's headlines for January 03, 2018. |
Dear S.C.T.C, |
Alzheimer's / Dementia |
Mild cognitive impairment 'treatable' with regular exercise, say experts Updated American Academy of Neurology guidelines say that regular exercise may improve memory and thinking in people with mild cognitive impairment. |
Anxiety / Stress |
Why antidepressants fail to work in some people Researchers might have uncovered why antidepressants only work in some people and have pinpointed the involvement of the glucocorticoid receptor. |
Arthritis / Rheumatology |
What is bursitis of the shoulder? Learn all about bursitis of the shoulder, a painful condition affecting the shoulder joint. We look at symptoms, causes, and ways of relieving the pain. |
Back Pain |
Quadratus lumborum pain: Treatment and stretches Quadratus lumborum pain is located deep in the lower back on both sides of the spine. Learn about the symptoms, treatment, and prevention. |
What is bursitis of the shoulder? Learn all about bursitis of the shoulder, a painful condition affecting the shoulder joint. We look at symptoms, causes, and ways of relieving the pain. |
Biology / Biochemistry |
Why antidepressants fail to work in some people Researchers might have uncovered why antidepressants only work in some people and have pinpointed the involvement of the glucocorticoid receptor. |
Bones / Orthopedics |
Why bones might hold the secret to weight loss In a groundbreaking study, scientists uncover evidence of our body's internal weighing scales. Their findings may lead to innovative ways to fight obesity. |
Cancer / Oncology |
How blueberries help to kill cancer cells Researchers suggest that the success of radiation therapy against cancer cells could be increased significantly, thanks to blueberries. |
Cervical Cancer / HPV Vaccine |
How blueberries help to kill cancer cells Researchers suggest that the success of radiation therapy against cancer cells could be increased significantly, thanks to blueberries. |
Depression |
Why antidepressants fail to work in some people Researchers might have uncovered why antidepressants only work in some people and have pinpointed the involvement of the glucocorticoid receptor. |
Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness |
Why bones might hold the secret to weight loss In a groundbreaking study, scientists uncover evidence of our body's internal weighing scales. Their findings may lead to innovative ways to fight obesity. |
GastroIntestinal / Gastroenterology |
What you should know about the HIDA scan The HIDA scan is used to view the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, and small intestine. Included are details on side effects and why it is done. |
Huntington's Disease |
Neurodegenerative disease: Restricting eating times may boost life quality In a study of mouse models with Huntington's disease, researchers found that eating at the same time every day improved motor skills and sleep quality. |
Neurology / Neuroscience |
Neurodegenerative disease: Restricting eating times may boost life quality In a study of mouse models with Huntington's disease, researchers found that eating at the same time every day improved motor skills and sleep quality. |
Nutrition / Diet |
How blueberries help to kill cancer cells Researchers suggest that the success of radiation therapy against cancer cells could be increased significantly, thanks to blueberries. |
Neurodegenerative disease: Restricting eating times may boost life quality In a study of mouse models with Huntington's disease, researchers found that eating at the same time every day improved motor skills and sleep quality. |
Pain / Anesthetics |
Quadratus lumborum pain: Treatment and stretches Quadratus lumborum pain is located deep in the lower back on both sides of the spine. Learn about the symptoms, treatment, and prevention. |
Pediatrics / Children's Health |
Early puberty increases depression risk in adulthood Previous research found a link between early puberty and mental health. A recent study asked whether the impact can still be measured into adulthood. |
Primary Care / General Practice |
Mild cognitive impairment 'treatable' with regular exercise, say experts Updated American Academy of Neurology guidelines say that regular exercise may improve memory and thinking in people with mild cognitive impairment. |
Psychology / Psychiatry |
Early puberty increases depression risk in adulthood Previous research found a link between early puberty and mental health. A recent study asked whether the impact can still be measured into adulthood. |
Radiology / Nuclear Medicine |
How blueberries help to kill cancer cells Researchers suggest that the success of radiation therapy against cancer cells could be increased significantly, thanks to blueberries. |
What you should know about the HIDA scan The HIDA scan is used to view the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, and small intestine. Included are details on side effects and why it is done. |
Rehabilitation / Physical Therapy |
What is bursitis of the shoulder? Learn all about bursitis of the shoulder, a painful condition affecting the shoulder joint. We look at symptoms, causes, and ways of relieving the pain. |
Seniors / Aging |
Mild cognitive impairment 'treatable' with regular exercise, say experts Updated American Academy of Neurology guidelines say that regular exercise may improve memory and thinking in people with mild cognitive impairment. |
Sleep / Sleep Disorders / Insomnia |
Neurodegenerative disease: Restricting eating times may boost life quality In a study of mouse models with Huntington's disease, researchers found that eating at the same time every day improved motor skills and sleep quality. |
Sports Medicine / Fitness |
Mild cognitive impairment 'treatable' with regular exercise, say experts Updated American Academy of Neurology guidelines say that regular exercise may improve memory and thinking in people with mild cognitive impairment. |
What is bursitis of the shoulder? Learn all about bursitis of the shoulder, a painful condition affecting the shoulder joint. We look at symptoms, causes, and ways of relieving the pain. |
Women's Health / Gynecology |
Early puberty increases depression risk in adulthood Previous research found a link between early puberty and mental health. A recent study asked whether the impact can still be measured into adulthood. |
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