Welcome S.C.T.C, here are Medical News Today's headlines for June 11, 2018. |
Dear S.C.T.C, |
Anxiety / Stress |
How to stop anxious lip biting Many people bite their lip when they are anxious or uncomfortable, which can result in redness and sores on the lips. In extreme cases this is called body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB). This habit can have a negative impact on a person's daily life. Treatments include behavioral therapy. Learn more here. |
Bones / Orthopedics |
What is knee arthroscopy? Knee arthroscopy is a surgical procedure. A surgeon inserts a tool called an arthroscope through a small incision. Using this scope and the camera attached, they can confirm diagnoses and often correct any issues affecting the joint. In this article, learn how to prepare and what to expect from knee arthroscopy. |
Cardiovascular / Cardiology |
Can mangoes protect heart and gut health? A small-scale study has found that consuming mango regularly might improve cardiovascular health and have a positive effect on gut bacteria. |
What causes chest pain that comes and goes? Chest pain can have many origins, including problems with the heart, muscles, and lungs. When this pain comes and goes, a person may suspect a problem with the heart. In this article, we explore possible causes of intermittent chest pain, how to tell when the problem is heart-related, and when to call a doctor. |
Nutrition 2018: New data confirm health benefits of plant-based diet A raft of new studies presented at the recent Nutrition 2018 conference sing the praises of a vegetable-based diet. The evidence keeps on mounting up. |
GastroIntestinal / Gastroenterology |
Can mangoes protect heart and gut health? A small-scale study has found that consuming mango regularly might improve cardiovascular health and have a positive effect on gut bacteria. |
What causes bile duct obstruction? A bile duct obstruction is when one of the tubes that carries bile between the liver, gallbladder, and small intestine becomes blocked. This can lead to severe complications if left untreated and may require surgery. Here, we look at the leading causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of bile duct obstruction. |
Bacteriophages: A replacement for antibiotics? A new study tests the possibility of using bacteriophages — viruses that kill bacteria — to treat gastrointestinal problems. The results are encouraging. |
Genetics |
Bubonic plague 1,000 years older than previously thought Researchers have just found and analyzed the oldest bubonic plague genome, revealing that the origins of the plague as we know it go back 4,000 years. |
Infectious Diseases / Bacteria / Viruses |
Bubonic plague 1,000 years older than previously thought Researchers have just found and analyzed the oldest bubonic plague genome, revealing that the origins of the plague as we know it go back 4,000 years. |
Bacteriophages: A replacement for antibiotics? A new study tests the possibility of using bacteriophages — viruses that kill bacteria — to treat gastrointestinal problems. The results are encouraging. |
Liver Disease / Hepatitis |
What causes bile duct obstruction? A bile duct obstruction is when one of the tubes that carries bile between the liver, gallbladder, and small intestine becomes blocked. This can lead to severe complications if left untreated and may require surgery. Here, we look at the leading causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of bile duct obstruction. |
Medical Devices / Diagnostics |
This 'light-activated' drug could treat Parkinson's A drug activated in the brain using light delivered by implanted optical fiber improved motor function and reduced Parkinson's symptoms in mice. |
What is knee arthroscopy? Knee arthroscopy is a surgical procedure. A surgeon inserts a tool called an arthroscope through a small incision. Using this scope and the camera attached, they can confirm diagnoses and often correct any issues affecting the joint. In this article, learn how to prepare and what to expect from knee arthroscopy. |
Mental Health |
How to stop anxious lip biting Many people bite their lip when they are anxious or uncomfortable, which can result in redness and sores on the lips. In extreme cases this is called body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB). This habit can have a negative impact on a person's daily life. Treatments include behavioral therapy. Learn more here. |
Neurology / Neuroscience |
This 'light-activated' drug could treat Parkinson's A drug activated in the brain using light delivered by implanted optical fiber improved motor function and reduced Parkinson's symptoms in mice. |
Why are some people ticklish? The tickle response is different for everyone. Some people have a very strong response, and others are only ticklish sometimes. Some parts of the body may also be more ticklish than others. Here, we look at causes of the tickle response, why people vary in their sensitivity to tickling, and how to prevent ticklishness. |
Nutrition / Diet |
Can mangoes protect heart and gut health? A small-scale study has found that consuming mango regularly might improve cardiovascular health and have a positive effect on gut bacteria. |
Nutrition 2018: New data confirm health benefits of plant-based diet A raft of new studies presented at the recent Nutrition 2018 conference sing the praises of a vegetable-based diet. The evidence keeps on mounting up. |
Pain / Anesthetics |
What causes chest pain that comes and goes? Chest pain can have many origins, including problems with the heart, muscles, and lungs. When this pain comes and goes, a person may suspect a problem with the heart. In this article, we explore possible causes of intermittent chest pain, how to tell when the problem is heart-related, and when to call a doctor. |
Parkinson's Disease |
This 'light-activated' drug could treat Parkinson's A drug activated in the brain using light delivered by implanted optical fiber improved motor function and reduced Parkinson's symptoms in mice. |
Pharma Industry / Biotech Industry |
This 'light-activated' drug could treat Parkinson's A drug activated in the brain using light delivered by implanted optical fiber improved motor function and reduced Parkinson's symptoms in mice. |
Psychology / Psychiatry |
Why are some people ticklish? The tickle response is different for everyone. Some people have a very strong response, and others are only ticklish sometimes. Some parts of the body may also be more ticklish than others. Here, we look at causes of the tickle response, why people vary in their sensitivity to tickling, and how to prevent ticklishness. |
How to stop anxious lip biting Many people bite their lip when they are anxious or uncomfortable, which can result in redness and sores on the lips. In extreme cases this is called body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB). This habit can have a negative impact on a person's daily life. Treatments include behavioral therapy. Learn more here. |
Public Health |
Nutrition 2018: New data confirm health benefits of plant-based diet A raft of new studies presented at the recent Nutrition 2018 conference sing the praises of a vegetable-based diet. The evidence keeps on mounting up. |
Respiratory |
What causes chest pain that comes and goes? Chest pain can have many origins, including problems with the heart, muscles, and lungs. When this pain comes and goes, a person may suspect a problem with the heart. In this article, we explore possible causes of intermittent chest pain, how to tell when the problem is heart-related, and when to call a doctor. |
Surgery |
What is knee arthroscopy? Knee arthroscopy is a surgical procedure. A surgeon inserts a tool called an arthroscope through a small incision. Using this scope and the camera attached, they can confirm diagnoses and often correct any issues affecting the joint. In this article, learn how to prepare and what to expect from knee arthroscopy. |
Urology / Nephrology |
What causes bile duct obstruction? A bile duct obstruction is when one of the tubes that carries bile between the liver, gallbladder, and small intestine becomes blocked. This can lead to severe complications if left untreated and may require surgery. Here, we look at the leading causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of bile duct obstruction. |
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