MNT daily newsletter - December 26, 2018

Medical News Today

Dear S.C.T.C,

Welcome to today's MNT newsletter, containing the most recent headlines from your chosen news categories.

Cancer / Oncology
Combo of existing drugs fights bowel cancer and reduces side effects
By combining two common cancer drugs, researchers have found a more effective way to treat colorectal cancer and reduce unpleasant side effects.

Colorectal Cancer
Combo of existing drugs fights bowel cancer and reduces side effects
By combining two common cancer drugs, researchers have found a more effective way to treat colorectal cancer and reduce unpleasant side effects.

Psychology / Psychiatry
How do relationship breakups impact physical activity?
According to a recent study, an individual's level of physical activity changes after a divorce. Interestingly, this change is different for men and women.

Sports Medicine / Fitness
How do relationship breakups impact physical activity?
According to a recent study, an individual's level of physical activity changes after a divorce. Interestingly, this change is different for men and women.

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