Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care

When you make time to do what you love, you'll also give your life more meaning. See what else you can do to give your body and brain the love they deserve.
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Women's Health
Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care
When you make time to do what you love, you'll also give your life more meaning. See what else you can do to give your body and brain the love they deserve.
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Tips for Getting Through Bed Rest
Bed rest can be tough, physically and mentally. Focus on making it bearable with these strategies.
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Causes of Hormonal Migraines
Levels of estrogen and progesterone drop right before your period. That's when these migraines are likely to happen.
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Heartburn and GERD
More than 60 million Americans get it at least once a month. Here's how it starts, and what you can do about it.
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How Martial Arts Can Boost Your Health
With practice, your mind and will become well-equipped to mentally and physically face any obstacle.
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