Surprising Places You Can Get Skin Cancer

Sometimes it can grow in places where you may not expect, like on your tongue, inside your ear, or even in your eye.
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Women's Health
Surprising Places You Can Get Skin Cancer
Sometimes it can grow in places where you may not expect, like on your tongue, inside your ear, or even in your eye.
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What Is Age-Related Macular Degeneration?
Though it's almost never a totally blinding condition, macular degeneration can greatly reduce your vision.
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Symptoms of Vaginal Cysts
You can get cysts just about anywhere on the body, including your genitals.
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What Is Remission for Acute Myeloid Leukemia?
It's a sign your cancer is under control. But it doesn't mean you can stop treatment completely.
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What Happens to Your Body and Brain When You Sleep
From drifting off to full-on REM, see the different stages of sleep you cycle through all night long.
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