+ Noom Partnership

Hello! I lead Partnerships at Noom, a disruptive brand in the healthcare industry that uses behavior change & psychology to help people lead healthier lives. We recently raised $58M in a round led by Sequoia Capital and are looking to rapidly scale our Partner program.

Given your high quality content, we invite you to join and earn by featuring us to your audience. We typically pay partners for every trial they drive, and we're also open to media and sponsored posts.

This structure has earned some publishers $200K in a few months by writing about Noom, while others have made a consistent $1000-2000 per week for simply putting up banners ads on their homepage. It's real easy to earn with us, so what are you waiting for!

Join our Partner program in Impact Radius today (takes less than 5 min).
I'm more than happy to schedule a quick call or discuss more via email if you have additional questions. Looking forward to hearing from you!

PS. When you join Noom's program, you will receive an exclusive partner code to use Noom's full program for free!



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