Stop Making These Blood Thinner Mistakes

These meds can help prevent a heart attack or stroke, but they can present their own risks. Here's what you need to know.
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Women's Health
Stop Making These Blood Thinner Mistakes
These meds can help prevent a heart attack or stroke, but they can present their own risks. Here's what you need to know.
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Complementary Treatments for Crohn's Disease
Along with the medicine your doctor prescribes, you may want to add treatments like these to help with symptoms, boost your immune system, or just feel better.
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Sex After Menopause
Though dryness is the most common complaint, there are several reasons sex may be less comfortable after menopause.
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What's Triggering Your Hives?
From hot baths to bug bites, avoiding certain things can lessen the impact of hives on your life.
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How Often Should You Replace Your Mattress?
When it comes to sleep, snoozing in certain positions can put strain on your back. See if your sleep habits are adding to your pain.
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