The signs of adult ADHD

ADHD is commonly associated with children, but adults can also have it. Here's how to recognize the signs and seek help.
Healthline ADHD
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Prescriptions for ADHD Medications Are Going Up Among Adults, What to Know
ADHD Linked to Higher Risk of Mental Health Disorders, Study Finds
FDA Approves Generics of ADHD Medication Vyvanse for Children 6 and Up
We all feel sad sometimes. But if you've been feeling very low for more than two weeks, you may be experiencing depression.
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Zach Tidwell transformed his life after a self-inflicted gunshot wound left him blind and deaf in one ear. Through perseverance, he has pursued numerous adventurous activities, including skiing and white water rafting. He demonstrated that with determination and support, one can regain independence and achieve remarkable goals despite significant challenges.
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