Dreading Daylight Saving Time? How to Deal

Tips for reseting your body clock, best and worst bedtime snacks, and more sleep
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Saturday, March 07, 2015
Skip These Sleep-Wrecking Foods
Skip These Sleep-Wrecking Foods

The start of Daylight Saving Time doesn't have to spoil your sleep. Why you may want to load up on pasta for dinner. Plus, bedtime snacks to avoid.
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Reset Your Body Clock
Reset Your Body Clock

Springing forward is harder on your body than falling back an hour. 10 tips to help you adjust to the time change.
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Signs You're Not Sleeping Enough    
You may pride yourself on needing only 3 hours of sleep, but your body might be telling you something different.
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Why So Tired?
If you still feel sleep-deprived after spending 8 hours in bed, one of these things may be the cause.
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Daytime Habits for Restful Nights
What you do -- or don't do -- during the day can affect how well you sleep at night.
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The Truth About Coffee
Is the popular pick-me-up really good for your health? Get answers.
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