Be Our Next Success Story! | Want this to be the year you lose weight and keep it off — for good? The Mayo Clinic Diet online has proven weight-loss advice and tactics you need for a lifetime of success. Don't wait — sign up today! |
"The sandwich can be the foundation of the perfect meal. Its combination of food groups can meet the three fundamentals of healthy eating: balance (inclusion of basic foods), moderation (a sensible amount) and variety (eating different things from each food group)."— Jennifer K. Nelson, M.S., R.D., L.D. | | |  | Move More | How harmful is too much sitting? | Stand up and read this: According to one study, people who spend more than four hours a day in front of a screen have a higher risk of early death in general and a higher risk of events related to heart disease, such as chest pain or heart attack. But sitting in front of the TV isn't the only concern. Any extended sitting — such as behind a desk at work or behind the wheel — can be harmful. Read on and get motivated to move more. | Discover the dangers of sitting too much » |
| Healthy Eating 6 grab-and-go snack ideas Do you travel often for work? Have a hard time making healthy decisions when you're on the go? Well-planned, healthy snacks can complement your weight-loss plan and satisfy your hunger, especially when you're outside the comfort of your own home. Try these simple snacking tips.
Snack smarter with these suggestions » |  |
Today's Fitness Tip Find an exercise buddy Here's one way you can make your new exercise regimen a lifestyle choice that will stay with you for the long haul: Exercise with a friend, co-worker or family member. Having another person involved with your exercise program will help keep you motivated and accountable.
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