Ways In Which Lugol Iodine Benefits Your Health

By Olive Pate

Iodine is an essential element that is crucial for normal growth and development. About 60% in the human body is found at the thyroid gland. This element plays an important role in functioning of this gland that secretes thyroid hormones responsible for control of the metabolic rate of the body. Without this element, the hormones cannot be synthesized. Outlined below is how lugol iodine benefits your well-being.

If you desire to have healthy nails, teeth as well as a skin that is shiny and healthy, you ought to have enough of it in your body. Excellent hair care will also be assured because the lack of this mineral is a leading cause of hair loss. Should you have enough in your body, there will be an increased rate of hair growth together with the follicles on the skin surface being made more firm so as to avoid hair loss.

For the reproductive system to be in a good state, this mineral becomes a necessity. It is also able to avert issues like stillbirths as well as cretinism that affects the development of children by stunting their growth. There are extra benefits such as the enhancement of speech and hearing abilities of the baby to be born. Keep in mind that a deficiency can easily cause women to be infertile.

It is a scavenger of any undesirable free hydroxyl radical that maybe found in the body and it therefore increases the efficiency of antioxidants. This phenomenon results in an improved immune system that is able to combat various ailments like heart disease that have become quite common in the 21st century. Studies have shown that it protects the brains of rats from harmful effects associated with free radicals.

Prevention of cancer is another vital role it plays. This has been proven by research after injecting cancer cells with this mineral. The cells actually shrink, and in some instances apoptosis takes place, whereby they undergo a death that is programmed. After their death, new healthy cells are produced. This phenomenon is a common occurrence in people with cancer of the breast.

You are also able to keep goiter away. A deficiency is the number one known cause of this condition. This is because the thyroid gland is overworked causing it to be enlarged in such a manner that it is visible on the neck region. Ensure that you make sea food, dairy products and eggs as part of your diet so as to avoid a deficiency. In case you already have goiter, take these foods to cure it.

Having sufficient amounts of this mineral will be of great advantage because you will be able to flush out any chemical toxins that may be present in your body. This include, but not limited to, fluoride, mercury, lead and biological toxic elements. There are more advantages including antibacterial abilities, and more particularly against a bacteria called helicobacter pylori that causes a dangerous illness in the stomach. The same bacteria is also known to cause gastric cancer.

The vital control of base metabolic rate is carried out by this mineral. How efficient your body organs are rests on this process. Another thing is that it ensures that food absorption, sleep cycles and energy production from food eaten all run smoothly.

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