12 Ways to Unplug From Your Devices

Lose Weight. Enjoy Life.
Ready to adopt a healthier lifestyle and break bad habits for good? Lose weight without feeling deprived with support from the Mayo Clinic Diet online. Sign up now!
"When making changes, try not to make several at once. Choose small, reachable goals at first to establish the pattern or habit. Set a goal that's specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-limited. Setting a time limit is important as it gives you an endpoint at which you can evaluate the results."— Peggy J. Moreland, M.S., B.S.N., R.N.
Healthy Habits
Unplug: 12 tips to manage kids' screen time
Are your eyes constantly glued to your smartphone, tablet or laptop? It might be time to detach and set a good example for your family. Why? Too much screen time has been linked to obesity, irregular sleep, behavioral problems, impaired academic performance and violence in kids. Plus, it also means you're spending more time sitting and less time being active. Take the lead and manage your kids' (and spouse's) screen time with these suggestions.
Create healthier habits with these tips »
Delicious Dessert
Seasonal treat: Pumpkin tea cake
Pumpkin season is here! This fall superfood is packed with antioxidants, fiber and disease-fighting vitamins, making this pumpkin-hazelnut tea cake a treat you can feel good about eating. More reasons to love this recipe: Hazelnuts provide a good source of protein and heart-healthy fats, while spices such as nutmeg and cinnamon provide plenty of flavor without the added calories. Go on, enjoy a slice!

Get the recipe »
Today's Healthy Cooking Tip
Find new ways to add flavor
It's true, healthy food can be delicious. Try poaching fish in low-fat broth or wine and fresh herbs, such as basil, cilantro, oregano or thyme — or top a broiled chicken breast with fresh salsa. Make meats more flavorful with low-fat marinades or spices — bay leaf, chili powder, dry mustard, garlic, ginger, marjoram, pepper or sage. And to enhance sweetness, use a little vanilla, cinnamon or nutmeg instead of sugar.


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