The Skinny Fat Study: Why a Bit of Belly Is Bad

The BMI, or Body Mass Index, is pretty flawed. It's a number that looks at your weight in relation to your height, and for decades people have used it to determine a person's obesity level and their risk of associated illnesses like cardiovascular disease. A new study that was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the American Heart Association looked at a different number, the waist-to-hip ratio, which specifically measures whether a person is storing excess fat around their middle. The results? People with a normal BMI but who had "central obesity" (or what most people would term "belly fat") had twice the risk of early death compared to those who had a BMI of "overweight" or "obese." Abdominal fat, it turns out, could be a much more reliable indicator of mortality than one's weight.

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The Skinny Fat Study: Why a Bit of Belly Is Bad

The BMI, or Body Mass Index, is pretty flawed. It's a number that looks at your weight in relation to your height, and for decades people have used it to determine a person's obesity level and their risk of associated illnesses like cardiovascular disease.

A new study that was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the American Heart Association looked at a different number, the waist-to-hip ratio, which specifically measures whether a person is storing excess fat around their middle.

The results? People with a normal BMI but who had "central obesity" (or what most people would term "belly fat") had twice the risk of early death compared to those who had a BMI of "overweight" or "obese." 

Abdominal fat, it turns out, could be a much more reliable indicator of mortality than one's weight.

Nicholas English
Content Manager of Health
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