"Accept life's challenges. Try to see challenges as opportunities that will help lead you toward joy in your life."— Kristin S. Vickers Douglas, Ph.D., L.P. | | |  | Overcoming Obstacles | 6 strategies to help control eating triggers | Do certain situations — like family gatherings — cause you to eat too much? Identifying the situations that trigger poor eating habits can help you develop strategies to overcome them. Read on to see if any of these areas trip you up. Then try the simple solutions to inspire healthy changes during the holidays and in your everyday life. | Reverse bad habits with these tips » |
| Move More Stay active this holiday season Between family gatherings, shopping trips and decorating, it can be hard to squeeze in a workout. Yet it's important to keep physical activity on your daily to-do list during this fun — and often trying — time of year. Find out how physical activity helps lower stress and manages the impact of those extra indulgences!
Burn off added calories » |  |
Today's Fitness Tip Warm up before you work out Before each exercise session, warm up for five to 10 minutes to gradually rev up your cardiovascular system and increase blood flow to your muscles. Try a low-intensity version of your planned activity. For example, if you plan to walk, warm up by walking slowly.
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