 | The Do-Over Plan Stay a step ahead of food binges with Dr. Mike Roizen's easy strategy: Write down three of your biggest food weaknesses and next to each one of them write down one thing you can do to substitute eating them if you feel a binge coming on. | | |
 | New! DoctorOz.com Recipes All of your favorite recipes are now complete with calorie counts and serving sizes, plus smart features like the option to save your favorites and more when you log-in with your DoctorOz.com account! | | |
 | Why You Can't Lose Weight Make losing weight easier by keeping your dinner off the table. Studies have shown that serving yourself first and sitting down to eat with the food on the stove or counter instead of the table make it much less likely that you will overeat. Family-style meals tend to cause overeating and weight gain because the food is right in front of you and easily accessible. | | |
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