| Week of 05/26/2016 - Featured Blog Post
I'm In the Miler Club Now!
I cannot BELIEVE that this happened. I walked a mile on the trail today. My husband was with me and he made it easier by moving his car to the end in case I couldn't make it. It gave me the confidence I needed to try it. He's been walking too and although I'm a little bit ahead of him, he's working hard also. I wasn't even sure I could walk the 3/4 of a mile I did yesterday. I just started out and did my best. It was chilly and rainy but I wore my walking shorts. When I got to the half mile mark, I started to get worn out. I wanted to stop a couple of times but I just kept pushing. I decided to keep going forward as I have some weird mental block about turning around and coming back to where I've been. When I made it to 3/4, I wanted to stop a LOT. But I kept thinking, "C'mon you can do this." I really slowed down toward the end and my husband pulled the car up ahead of me so I could basically fall in when I was done. I sort of did but I could still talk when I was done. I've never felt more proud of myself because this is something that I thought I'd never do again. I haven't walked this far in over 30 years.
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