"Strong social support is one of the keys to happiness and good health. Making an effort to improve relationships with people already in your life is one way to increase your social support."— Jeanne Graner Krochta, L.P. | | | | Overcome Obstacles | Is your social circle supportive? | Do your co-workers bring doughnuts to morning meetings? Do you typically share popcorn and candy at family movie outings? Research shows that the health decisions of your social circle can have a large impact on the choices you make and how healthy they are. If your friends' habits are less than stellar, all is not lost! Learn how to prevent negative influences from sabotaging your efforts with these tips. | Stay on track in social situations » | | | Today's Fitness Tip The best time of day to exercise Want to exercise but having trouble gaining momentum? Work with your nature, not against it. Plan physical activity for times of day when you tend to feel most active (or at least not quite as unmotivated)! If you're an early bird, go jogging first thing in the morning. If you're more of a night owl, you might prefer taking a walk in the evening. | | | ADVERTISEMENT | | Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit organization. Proceeds from website advertising help support our mission. Mayo Clinic does not endorse any non-Mayo products or services. | Advertising & Sponsorship: Policy | Opportunities | | | BECOME A MEMBER! | | | |
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