| Week of 08/11/2016 - Featured Board Post
Here's How I Beat My Craving
Yesterday afternoon was almost completely controlled by my cravings. After doing so well and thinking that nothing could stop me from success, I hit a wall. I suddenly found myself wanting everything I shouldn't have in abundance. I pictured everything I could eat smothered in melted cheese sauce or creamy gravy. I had to do something to break the feeling of impending failure growing ever stronger, then I remembered where I was. I read an article about how cravings can be caused by my body telling me it lacks or needs something, iron, sodium, something, but I also noticed that the more I read the less the cravings seemed to be in control. I reached for a book and began reading and before long I was so engrossed that my cravings had disappeared. Cravings don't last very long and I learned that, if I'm not truly hungry, then I can control my cravings by occupying my mind with something else. I am so happy this site provides me with the tools I need to get through anything that may get in my way of success. Even though I didn't lose anything from yesterday, I didn't gain anything either, except strength of knowing that my goals can be reached, and my decision to become a member of this site was the right one. Here I go on my journey, feeling more secure in the knowledge that my goals are realistic and very much within reach. Thank you, SparkPeople.
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I am on two journeys that will bring lots of change... getting healthy... I have yo-yo'ed with m... | | | ...Go To ALLELUIA525 Page | | | | | | | SparkPeople's mission is to Spark millions of People around the world to get healthy and reach new goals every day. Join the movement by clicking the link below to earn your SparkPoints, or connecting with SparkPeople in one of these other ways:
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