| Week of 08/25/2016 - Featured Blog Post
Inspiration in Unexpected Places
Low self esteem is something I've struggled with almost my entire life. When you weigh over 600 pounds and decide to go out in public, it feels like all eyes are on you. You deal with the stares, finger pointing, the whispers, the laughs and the occasional rude comment.. This is why so many people struggling with morbid obesity choose to never leave their home. It's easier to stay indoors than to deal with public embarrassment and shame. I know from experience because there was a time in my life where I refused to leave my home for an entire year. It's sad, but when I finally decided to go outside I saw that life didn't stop because I was having issues. Life continued on. I was shocked to see how things had changed in a year's time. To see new homes and stores built in our area was shocking to me. Its like, wow, where have I been? And when did this happen? I am now losing weight and feeling better but in my head I am still 600+ pounds. Although I have lost 214 pounds and I'm still losing, in my head I am still there and I am not sure when or if this will ever change. There are days when I can leave my house feeling very confident and I have the courage to get out and enjoy myself. But then there are days were I still struggle to get out and do things with my husband because that 653 person person is still inside of me. Like today, my husband said "Do you want to go out and drive?" I wanted to do more driving but my emotions tried to take over and I said "No". So I logged onto SparkPeople and the first thing I see is a "Featured Blog" entitled "NEVER Apologize For Who You Are" by 2BDYNAMIC. She talked about how we should never feel ashamed to exercise in public and basically said to never stop taking care of yourself no matter who is watching. I took those words and applied them to my current situation and it gave me strength. Before I could finish her blog something stirred up inside of me. I got up, got dressed and told my husband "Let's go". It was a gorgeous day and I had a wonderful time driving again for the SECOND time in 20 years and I want to say "Thank you!" to 2BDYNAMIC for your inspirational blog. It gave me the boost I needed to go out with confidence. I am a work in progress. I'll continue on my journey step-by-step, one day at a time and someday I know I'll be the confident women I always wanted to be and I will feel free. I'll get there.
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