MNT daily newsletter - February 07, 2018

Medical News Today

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Welcome to today's MNT newsletter, containing the most recent headlines from your chosen news categories.

20% off WIRED Health tickets, March 13th

Join hundreds of health, digital health and medical practitioners, innovators and entrepreneurs at WIRED's fifth annual health conference, taking place at the Crick Institute in London. Speakers include the professor whose research recently made the "three-parent" baby possible – and legal – and the wildlife veterinary surgeon breaking down barriers of animal surgical procedures and in doing so, protecting endangered species.

Book today with code MNT20 online at:

Alzheimer's / Dementia
How bilingualism may protect against Alzheimer's
A new study examines the brain structure and memory function of monolingual and multilingual people with Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment.

Anxiety / Stress
Uncovering the science behind 'sound body, sound mind'
How does exercise benefit body and brain? A new study describes how muscular activity improves metabolism and the immune system and reduces depression.
How to stop catastrophizing
A look at catastrophizing and how to stop it. Included is detail on the related psychiatric conditions, medical treatments, and the outlook.
Does meditation really make us better people?
A new study questions the popular assumption that meditation and mindfulness practices help us develop pro-social behavior and become kinder human beings.

Blood / Hematology
Diagnosing hepatitis C with the hepatitis C antibody test
Learn about the hepatitis C antibody test, which is used to detect when someone has had the hepatitis C virus. What do the results mean?

Complementary Medicine / Alternative Medicine
Does L-glutamine work for IBS?
A look at L-glutamine for IBS. Included is detail on research into the supposed benefits of the amino acid that the body produces, and whether they help.
Does meditation really make us better people?
A new study questions the popular assumption that meditation and mindfulness practices help us develop pro-social behavior and become kinder human beings.

Uncovering the science behind 'sound body, sound mind'
How does exercise benefit body and brain? A new study describes how muscular activity improves metabolism and the immune system and reduces depression.
How to stop catastrophizing
A look at catastrophizing and how to stop it. Included is detail on the related psychiatric conditions, medical treatments, and the outlook.

What is spongiotic dermatitis?
Learn about spongiotic dermatitis, a skin condition related to eczema that causes swelling under the skin. We look at the symptoms and treatment options.

Honeymoon phase in diabetes: What you need to know
When people are first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, they may experience a honeymoon phase, where blood sugar levels remain normal with little or no help.

Diabetes Type 1
Honeymoon phase in diabetes: What you need to know
When people are first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, they may experience a honeymoon phase, where blood sugar levels remain normal with little or no help.

Eczema / Psoriasis
What is spongiotic dermatitis?
Learn about spongiotic dermatitis, a skin condition related to eczema that causes swelling under the skin. We look at the symptoms and treatment options.

Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness
Uncovering the science behind 'sound body, sound mind'
How does exercise benefit body and brain? A new study describes how muscular activity improves metabolism and the immune system and reduces depression.

GastroIntestinal / Gastroenterology
Does L-glutamine work for IBS?
A look at L-glutamine for IBS. Included is detail on research into the supposed benefits of the amino acid that the body produces, and whether they help.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Does L-glutamine work for IBS?
A look at L-glutamine for IBS. Included is detail on research into the supposed benefits of the amino acid that the body produces, and whether they help.

Immune System / Vaccines
Uncovering the science behind 'sound body, sound mind'
How does exercise benefit body and brain? A new study describes how muscular activity improves metabolism and the immune system and reduces depression.

Liver Disease / Hepatitis
Diagnosing hepatitis C with the hepatitis C antibody test
Learn about the hepatitis C antibody test, which is used to detect when someone has had the hepatitis C virus. What do the results mean?

Mental Health
How to stop catastrophizing
A look at catastrophizing and how to stop it. Included is detail on the related psychiatric conditions, medical treatments, and the outlook.

Multiple Sclerosis
Brain-repairing protein may lead to new MS drugs
The mechanism set in motion by a protein implicated in the repair of myelin damage could hold the key to a better treatment for multiple sclerosis.

Neurology / Neuroscience
How bilingualism may protect against Alzheimer's
A new study examines the brain structure and memory function of monolingual and multilingual people with Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment.
Brain-repairing protein may lead to new MS drugs
The mechanism set in motion by a protein implicated in the repair of myelin damage could hold the key to a better treatment for multiple sclerosis.
Could an existing drug halt Parkinson's disease?
A new Parkinson's study suggests that drugs for treating a rare genetic disorder may be effective in targeting toxic alpha-synuclein clusters in neurons.

Nutrition / Diet
Does L-glutamine work for IBS?
A look at L-glutamine for IBS. Included is detail on research into the supposed benefits of the amino acid that the body produces, and whether they help.

Parkinson's Disease
Could an existing drug halt Parkinson's disease?
A new Parkinson's study suggests that drugs for treating a rare genetic disorder may be effective in targeting toxic alpha-synuclein clusters in neurons.

Personal Monitoring / Wearable Technology
The 10 best apps for stroke survivors
Are you in recovery from stroke? We have found the best apps to help stroke survivors with recovery and rehabilitation and to prevent future strokes.

Pharma Industry / Biotech Industry
Could an existing drug halt Parkinson's disease?
A new Parkinson's study suggests that drugs for treating a rare genetic disorder may be effective in targeting toxic alpha-synuclein clusters in neurons.

Psychology / Psychiatry
How to stop catastrophizing
A look at catastrophizing and how to stop it. Included is detail on the related psychiatric conditions, medical treatments, and the outlook.
Does meditation really make us better people?
A new study questions the popular assumption that meditation and mindfulness practices help us develop pro-social behavior and become kinder human beings.

Seniors / Aging
How bilingualism may protect against Alzheimer's
A new study examines the brain structure and memory function of monolingual and multilingual people with Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment.

The 10 best apps for stroke survivors
Are you in recovery from stroke? We have found the best apps to help stroke survivors with recovery and rehabilitation and to prevent future strokes.

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