What to Do About Bunions

This painful, bulging bump on the side of your big toe can lead to conditions like arthritis, if left untreated.
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Women's Health
What to Do About Bunions
This painful, bulging bump on the side of your big toe can lead to conditions like arthritis, if left untreated.
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Warning Signs of Leukemia and Other Blood Cancers
More than 174,000 people are expected to be diagnosed with blood cancers in 2018. Here's what you need to know.
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Allergic to Metals? 7 Ways to Avoid Nickel
You'll find it in things like smartphones, eyeglass frames, and jewelry -- it's even in chocolate.
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Is Microblading Your Eyebrows Safe?
It's a temporary tattoo that can make brows look full and arched for a year or more. But it's not without risks.
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7 Ways to Lower Your BMI
This ratio of your weight to height helps you and your doctor find out if you're healthy, overweight, or obese.
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