MNT daily newsletter - January 19, 2019

Medical News Today

Dear S.C.T.C,

Welcome to today's MNT newsletter, containing the most recent headlines from your chosen news categories.

Alcohol / Addiction / Illegal Drugs
Key brain area plays a crucial role in addiction
New research finds that the brain's cerebellum is involved in reward processing and social behavior. The findings shed new light on addictive behavior.

Cardiovascular / Cardiology
What role does the immune system play in hypertension?
Researchers have found that a type of immune cell can help regulate blood pressure. They explain the mechanism and identify drugs that may affect it.

What role does the immune system play in hypertension?
Researchers have found that a type of immune cell can help regulate blood pressure. They explain the mechanism and identify drugs that may affect it.

Immune System / Vaccines
What role does the immune system play in hypertension?
Researchers have found that a type of immune cell can help regulate blood pressure. They explain the mechanism and identify drugs that may affect it.

Neurology / Neuroscience
Key brain area plays a crucial role in addiction
New research finds that the brain's cerebellum is involved in reward processing and social behavior. The findings shed new light on addictive behavior.

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