We made Medicare enrollment easier

Join our series for step-by-step guidance.

Hi friends!

We hope you're all doing well. We're dropping by to let you know we just put the finishing touches on an email series about how to find the right Medicare plan for you.

For millions of folks, Medicare is a vital resource. But it's also needlessly complicated. So we put together this 6-day series to help simplify the process and give clear, accurate guidance for enrolling in a plan that meets your needs.

Some features we're excited about include an illustrated timeline for enrolling, a list of what's changing in 2023, a checklist to help you narrow down your coverage needs, and one step you can take each day to prepare for enrollment.

You can join our Medicare series now by clicking here.

Join Us

And if you know someone who could benefit from this series, forward them this email so they can sign up, too!

Take care,
The Healthline Team

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