Could it be the buzzer-beater for humanity?
| | Hi friends! If you happen to be standing in a very long grocery store line on this Thanksgiving Eve, remember that a long wait is also a chance to practice mindfulness. (Need starter ideas? We got you.) | Speaking of grocery stores, the meat aisle may be getting a new section soon. In today's edition, we take a closer look at the FDA's recent approval of lab-grown meat, and what this historic milestone could mean for your health. | We'll also be talking about: | | | | | Stay sharp, Ginger Wojcik Newsletter Editor, Healthline | | | | |
|  | | Written by Ginger Wojcik November 23, 2022 • 6 min read | | | | | | |
|  | | Would you eat meat that never went "moo"? | Pretty soon, you may be asking yourself that question IRL: Last week, the FDA approved the United States' first lab-grown meat product.
"Cultivated meat," as it's commonly called, is genuine meat grown from the tissue cells of animals. These cells are fed the same nutrients that live animals need to survive, and they're arranged in the same manner as conventional meat. According to one anecdotal account, it's pretty darn close to the real thing.
In fact, cultivated meat may actually be safer to eat than meat that goes "moo." The lack of live animals involved in production almost eliminates the risk of fecal contamination, which is the leading source of food poisoning deaths in the United States.
It could also have a monumental impact on the fight against climate change by meeting the ever-growing demand for meat while reducing methane emissions. There's mounting evidence that we won't be able to avoid the most severe consequences of climate change without finding a way to farm less livestock. And meat alternatives don't appear to be catching on at the rate that's necessary.
Needless to say, animals stand to gain the most. 10 billion farm animals are slaughtered per year in the United States, the majority of which live their entire lives in unthinkable conditions.
All that said, research shows we're a long way from cultivated meat being a perfect substitute. It faces a bounty of obstacles, including concerns about potential cancer-promoting properties of genetically modified cells, debate over whether it can be considered kosher, how to bring down production costs, and if it has the same nutritional value as conventional meat. Apparently, it's also hard to replicate that unique meaty aroma.
tl;dr: Last week, Upside Foods' lab-grown chicken product became the first FDA-approved lab-grown meat. Experts are hopeful that cultivated meat can help satisfy the growing global demand for meat, which is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. There are many challenges ahead for the new industry, but the FDA's recent approval is an important milestone in the decades-long journey to get to this point. | | | | | |
| | Editor faves with health perks | You know those great finds you just *have* to tell your friends about? That's how we feel about the products we recommend here. Every pick has been vetted by our editorial team, and we genuinely think it'll make your life better. | | | |  | EPICA Stainless Steel Compost Bin | Lab-grown meat led me to think about my favorite eco-friendly products, and this compost bin immediately came to mind. For starters, stainless steel is easy to clean, and 100% recyclable (stainless steel is one of the easiest materials to recycle). It also looks sleek sitting on my kitchen counter and fully conceals the smell of discarded food scraps thanks to a charcoal filter inside of the lid (which is also replaceable). | Composting isn't just a way to nourish your garden, it can also cut down on greenhouse gas emissions. When organic material decomposes in landfills, it creates ''landfill gas'' which is mostly methane and CO2. If you're lucky enough to have yard space, consider cutting down on food scraps in landfills by taking up home composting. | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | Last week, Christina Applegate accepted her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It was her first public appearance since announcing that she'd been diagnosed with MS in August of 2021. In a tear-jerking speech, she gushed about her daughter and hinted at the challenges she faces living with MS. | | | | | | |
|  | | The 4-day workweek is coming | Imagine if we all got paid the same amount to work a fifth less. 3,300 workers in the U.K. have been testing out this dreamy premise since June. And according to a recent survey, things are looking good.
49% of participants reported productivity has actually increased since shaving off the fifth work day, while 46% say productivity has remained the same. This backs up previous research in Japan that found the 4-day workweek boosted productivity by 40%. And 86% of the 73 companies involved in the pilot said they're likely to keep the abbreviated workweek in place moving forward.
It will come as no surprise that cutting down working hours is proven to be good for your health. One study showed quality of life, sleep, and stress levels all improved when people went from working 39 hours a week to 30. Plus, imagine how much more money brunch cafes would make by adding an entire day to the weekend.
A large-scale move to the 4-day workweek has been slowly gaining momentum for years. Earlier this year, a bill was introduced in the California legislature that would turn the 40-hour workweek into a 32-hour workweek. While the bill didn't advance, it could be amended and reintroduced in 2023. Maybe the findings from this new survey can help make that happen and pave the way for the rest of the U.S. to follow. Stay tuned! | | | | | |
| | | Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the United States. This is a happy time for some, a somber time for others, and totally irrelevant for everyone else. But no matter where you stand on the institution of Thanksgiving, it's important to have a strong opinion about one thing in particular: Pie. | According to some light Googling, pumpkin pie appears to have beat pecan pie to the Thanksgiving dinner table by a whole century (the first mentions of pumpkin pie occur in the 1700s while pecan pie doesn't appear until the 1800s). Longevity aside, we have the French to thank for both desserts. | Because we can, we're conducting an informal poll on the subject. Please help us decide once and for all whether pumpkins or pecans are the ultimate Thanksgiving pie filling. (Bonus points if you want to tell us how you pronounce "pecan.") | We want to know: Is the ultimate Thanksgiving dessert pumpkin pie or pecan pie? Recipes encouraged! Let us know at | | | | | |
| | Thanks for reading! To all the non-cooks out there, remember that doing the dishes is one of the best ways to express your gratitude. We'll be back on Friday!
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| | | Until next time, |  | Take care of yourself, and we'll see you again soon! | |  | |  | This edition was powered by | fantasies about pie | | | | | | View in browser Did a friend send you this email? Subscribe here. To see all newsletters, click here. Privacy | Unsubscribe © 2022 Healthline Media 1423 Red Ventures Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29707 | | | |   | | |
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