"Make a list of healthy foods to buy, and avoid shopping for food when you're hungry. Shopping with a grocery list of healthy items will help you curb impulse purchases." — Adamarie Multari, M.D. | | |  | Healthy Habits | How healthy are your shopping habits? | Do you find yourself frazzled at the store? Overwhelmed by the options? Smart food shopping is a key factor in a healthier lifestyle, so it's a good idea to get a grasp on your shopping habits now. Take this quiz to find out if they're on track — and discover how you can stroll down the grocery aisles with ease and confidence. | Take the quiz now » |
| Nutrition 101 Do you need to eat more water? Eat water? Let us explain. Vegetables and fruits are crucial to weight loss because they contain a lot of water, which provides volume and weight — causing you to feel full, but with fewer calories. For example, half a large grapefruit is 90 percent water with just 50 calories. This is why healthy eating allows you to eat more but weigh less. Read on to learn how you can get more bang for your buck with calorie consumption.
Discover more weight-loss foods » |  |
Today's Fitness Tip Get results with interval training You don't have to be a serious athlete to try interval training. It's simply alternating bursts of intense activity with intervals of lighter activity. For instance, you might alternate leisurely walking with periods of faster walking. If you want more of a challenge, incorporate short bursts of jogging into your regular brisk walks. Go ahead, pick up the pace!
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