| Week of 07/07/2016 - Featured Blog Post
When the Scale Doesn't Move
I was able to weigh myself yesterday. I was so nervous and scared to do it, because I knew that there were numerous days this past month when I didn't give it my all and ate things I knew would cause me to binge and overeat. Well, the scale showed that I gained a pound. Instantly I was so angry with myself that I wanted to cry. I didn't cry though, because that scale doesn't measure my self-worth and it doesn't truly measure my progress on this lifestyle change journey. I will not let it. So when the scale doesn't move, I could give up and throw in the towel, or I could get back up, dust myself off and try harder. I choose to do the second option, because throwing in the towel just wont cut it for this girl. Not anymore! How do you handle setbacks on the scale?
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WEEKLY WEIGH-IN & REFLECTION: 2016 End of Month Weight: -------------------------------... | | | ...Go To HEALTHYEMAN Page | | | | | | | SparkPeople's mission is to Spark millions of People around the world to get healthy and reach new goals every day. Join the movement by clicking the link below to earn your SparkPoints, or connecting with SparkPeople in one of these other ways:
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