| Week of 09/01/2016 - Featured Blog Post
A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way
Do you ever wonder what that person you run into on the street or in the grocery store or department store might be going through? Have you ever just walked up to someone and said "Have a nice day" or just looked at them and smiled? Sometimes we are so focused on what is going on in our lives that we forget that there are those around us who are going through challenges that we can't even begin to comprehend. I love it when I see someone and I give them a smile and they smile back. It just makes you think that maybe that one smile was all they needed to cheer them up! To let them know that there are people out there in this world that still care, and still want them to have a good day. Years ago I used to always look down when I walked. I just never looked at anyone. My sister was dating this guy named Joe. He was a great guy, and the one thing I remember about him is that he told me to hold my head up when I walked and to smile! At the time that didn't really mean too much to me, but now that I am an adult and I look back, I realize that he was showing me how to feel better about myself and to have confidence in who I am as a person. I am so grateful to him for what he told me because to this day I never look down. I always have eye contact with people and always try to smile because I know that one smile can make someone's day! What can you do to brighten someone else's day?
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