"If you're a 'snacker,' snack smarter. Choose a fruit or vegetable that you enjoy over a candy bar or other sugary treat. I know, easier said than done. But certain fruits, such as berries, are low in carbs and quite tasty."— Peggy J. Moreland, M.S., R.N. | | | | Healthy Eating | Lose weight with mindful eating | How many calories do you consume without even realizing it? Mindful eating — especially during social situations — is an effective weight-loss strategy that encourages you to slow down and pay more attention to your food. It helps focus your senses on exploring, savoring and tasting, and teaches you to follow hunger cues. Put mindful eating into practice with these ideas as you prepare and eat meals this holiday weekend. It gets easier over time! | Try these effective strategies » | | | Today's Weight-Loss Tip Personalize your plan for success Whether you're trying to eat better, exercise more or make another healthy change, no one plan works for everyone. That's why it's a must to make your plan your own. Take a day off from exercise, or enjoy one of your favorite foods once in a while. The more you make your program work for you, the less likely you are to rebel against it later on. | | | ADVERTISEMENT | | Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit organization. Proceeds from website advertising help support our mission. Mayo Clinic does not endorse any non-Mayo products or services. | Advertising & Sponsorship: Policy | Opportunities | | | BECOME A MEMBER! | | | |
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