MNT daily newsletter - May 22, 2018

Medical News Today

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Severe asthma: Eczema drug succeeds where others fail
Two new studies show that a common eczema drug reduces asthma symptoms and improves lung function in people who have severe asthma.

Bones / Orthopedics
What is the difference between a cyst and a tumor?
While cysts and tumors may look and feel similar, there are key differences. Hearing the word "tumor" may be frightening, but many tumors are benign, and while some cysts are harmless, others can cause problems. In this article, learn the difference between cysts and tumors. We also describe conditions that cause them.

Cancer / Oncology
What is the difference between a cyst and a tumor?
While cysts and tumors may look and feel similar, there are key differences. Hearing the word "tumor" may be frightening, but many tumors are benign, and while some cysts are harmless, others can cause problems. In this article, learn the difference between cysts and tumors. We also describe conditions that cause them.

Cardiovascular / Cardiology
Novel gel regrows brain tissue after stroke
In a first-of-its kind study, researchers show that a bioengineered gel can help brain tissue to regrow and restore function following a stroke.
One egg per day may keep stroke at bay
Eating eggs might lower your risk of stroke and heart disease. At least, this is what a new, large-scale study from China now suggests.

Complementary Medicine / Alternative Medicine
How to use essential oils for hair growth
Many essential oils show promise for promoting hair growth, including peppermint, bergamot, and jojoba oil. In this article, we look at the best essential oils for hair growth and provide tips on how to use them to get the greatest benefits. We also consider whether there are any risks involved.

What to know about centrilobular emphysema
Centrilobular emphysema is a form of emphysema where the damage begins in the central lobes of the lungs and spreads outward. This is distinct from panlobular emphysema. In this article, we discuss centrilobular emphysema including symptoms, causes, complications, and possible treatments.

Crohn's / IBD
Inflammatory bowel disease may raise Parkinson's risk
Having IBD is tied to a 22 percent higher risk of Parkinson's disease, according to a nationwide Danish population study that covered nearly 40 years.

Severe asthma: Eczema drug succeeds where others fail
Two new studies show that a common eczema drug reduces asthma symptoms and improves lung function in people who have severe asthma.
What is the difference between a cyst and a tumor?
While cysts and tumors may look and feel similar, there are key differences. Hearing the word "tumor" may be frightening, but many tumors are benign, and while some cysts are harmless, others can cause problems. In this article, learn the difference between cysts and tumors. We also describe conditions that cause them.
How to use essential oils for hair growth
Many essential oils show promise for promoting hair growth, including peppermint, bergamot, and jojoba oil. In this article, we look at the best essential oils for hair growth and provide tips on how to use them to get the greatest benefits. We also consider whether there are any risks involved.

Are apples good for diabetes?
A person with diabetes must monitor the carbohydrate and sugar in their diet. Although apples contain these compounds, they are a healthful choice for people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In this article, find out the effects of apples on blood sugar and insulin levels, plus other fruits to eat for diabetes.

GastroIntestinal / Gastroenterology
Inflammatory bowel disease may raise Parkinson's risk
Having IBD is tied to a 22 percent higher risk of Parkinson's disease, according to a nationwide Danish population study that covered nearly 40 years.

Heart Disease
One egg per day may keep stroke at bay
Eating eggs might lower your risk of stroke and heart disease. At least, this is what a new, large-scale study from China now suggests.

Medical Innovation
Novel gel regrows brain tissue after stroke
In a first-of-its kind study, researchers show that a bioengineered gel can help brain tissue to regrow and restore function following a stroke.

Nutrition / Diet
Are apples good for diabetes?
A person with diabetes must monitor the carbohydrate and sugar in their diet. Although apples contain these compounds, they are a healthful choice for people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In this article, find out the effects of apples on blood sugar and insulin levels, plus other fruits to eat for diabetes.
Can the Mediterranean diet protect against air pollution?
A recently published study concludes that switching to the Mediterranean diet could protect against certain health issues caused by air pollution.
One egg per day may keep stroke at bay
Eating eggs might lower your risk of stroke and heart disease. At least, this is what a new, large-scale study from China now suggests.

Pain / Anesthetics
How to get a splinter out
Splinters are very common but can be painful, especially if they are difficult to remove. In this article, learn about different ways to remove a splinter. These include using tweezers or duct tape and soaking the area. We also explain the signs of infection and when to see a doctor for professional removal.

Parkinson's Disease
Inflammatory bowel disease may raise Parkinson's risk
Having IBD is tied to a 22 percent higher risk of Parkinson's disease, according to a nationwide Danish population study that covered nearly 40 years.

Public Health
What is the difference between a cyst and a tumor?
While cysts and tumors may look and feel similar, there are key differences. Hearing the word "tumor" may be frightening, but many tumors are benign, and while some cysts are harmless, others can cause problems. In this article, learn the difference between cysts and tumors. We also describe conditions that cause them.

Pulmonary System
What to know about centrilobular emphysema
Centrilobular emphysema is a form of emphysema where the damage begins in the central lobes of the lungs and spreads outward. This is distinct from panlobular emphysema. In this article, we discuss centrilobular emphysema including symptoms, causes, complications, and possible treatments.

What to know about centrilobular emphysema
Centrilobular emphysema is a form of emphysema where the damage begins in the central lobes of the lungs and spreads outward. This is distinct from panlobular emphysema. In this article, we discuss centrilobular emphysema including symptoms, causes, complications, and possible treatments.
Severe asthma: Eczema drug succeeds where others fail
Two new studies show that a common eczema drug reduces asthma symptoms and improves lung function in people who have severe asthma.

Smoking / Quit Smoking
What to know about centrilobular emphysema
Centrilobular emphysema is a form of emphysema where the damage begins in the central lobes of the lungs and spreads outward. This is distinct from panlobular emphysema. In this article, we discuss centrilobular emphysema including symptoms, causes, complications, and possible treatments.

Novel gel regrows brain tissue after stroke
In a first-of-its kind study, researchers show that a bioengineered gel can help brain tissue to regrow and restore function following a stroke.
One egg per day may keep stroke at bay
Eating eggs might lower your risk of stroke and heart disease. At least, this is what a new, large-scale study from China now suggests.

Water - Air Quality / Agriculture
Can the Mediterranean diet protect against air pollution?
A recently published study concludes that switching to the Mediterranean diet could protect against certain health issues caused by air pollution.

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